The other day I went for a massage at a new place. Before massage my masseuse asked me to spend a few minutes on a weird machine I have never seen and never tried. It is called the Chi Machine. Enjoy the video!
I am sure that most of you know that Chi means energy force in Chinese culture. It is also a name of a dragon in Chinese mythology. But you probably don't know that Chi is a traditional Chinese unit of length ("Chinese foot"), approximately ⅓ of a meter. Chi is a name of a River in Thailand.
"Chi, according to traditional Chinese culture, qì or ch'i (also known as gi in Korean culture, ki in Japanese culture and Prana in Indian culture) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qiliterally translates as "breath", "air", or "gas", and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.
Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, "chi" in the Igbo religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars and Jediism. Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar." Wikipedia
The concept of chi also extends beyond the physical body, to the subtle energies that activate all human functions, including emotions and thought. Unbalanced chi causes your emotions to become agitated and distressed. Balanced chi causes your emotions to become smooth and more satisfying.
Qigong, tai chi and other form of Taoist martial and healing arts, help you to develop subtle chi-energy, not as an idea but rather lead you to directly feel and experience what this is in your body.
As I was explained later, Chi Machine is the result of 38 years of medical and scientific research by renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Shizou Inoue. The Chi Machine enables the human body to gently move from side to side in a figure of eight (the same way a goldfish swims), maximizing the body's natural absorption of oxygen, using all the movement orbits of the human anatomy. This movement may be compared to a masseuse holding your ankles and swinging you from side to side after a massage.
The machine has an ankle cradle on the top which oscillates (moves from side to side), at approximately 140/minute - a multiple of the average pulse rate (72) and the cerebro-spinal pump rhythm (12) synchronized with your heart rate, blood pressure and spinal alignment - creating a balanced, rhythmic, relaxing wave-like motion throughout your entire body, thereby oxygenating every cell and tissue via blood circulation, thus enhancing your metabolic rate, aiding detoxification via the lymphatic system, aligning your spine and activating the autonomic nervous system.
Excellent benefits for the frail, physically challenged, seniors, wheelchair bound or bedridden:
Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is extremely valuable to those who through age or physical limitations, can't exercise. These people in particular benefit tremendously from the gentle massaging effect created by the oxygenating passive exerciser and its assistance in the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body.
The machine relieves aches, pains and stiffness enabling seniors to be more comfortable and mobile.
The Chi Machine 'work-out' is done lying down with no pressure, stress or tension applied to any part of your body. NO risk of injury. Heartbeat and blood pressure do not increase. NO stress to your spine, heart, muscles, ligaments, joints or lungs.
The Chi Machine allows Cellular Oxygenation, Lymphatic System Detoxification,
Spinal Alignment, Autonomic Nervous System Stimulation and Mental Focus.
The very specific one set speed and figure of eight motion of the Chi Machine aligns
your spine, regulates body functions and relaxes your body without any stress or effort.
The Chi Machine creates massage of internal organs via passive aerobic exercise.
Movement of the body - consistent motion energy - creates cellular oxygenation
of both the body and the brain, thereby allowing:
1) Reduction in muscle soreness, tension, stiffness, body aches and pains.
2) Improved flexibility of muscles and joints, more limber - spinal alignment.
3) Improved function and regulation of internal organs and body systems.
4) Improved circulation - activated lymph drainage and detoxification.
5) Relief from stress related conditions.
6) The brain shifts into a relaxed Alpha brainwave state - mental calm, focus, clarity,
and relaxation.
7) Sound, restful sleep.
8) Improved metabolic rate - Increased energy and improved sense of well being.
Your Lymphatic System MUST be activated daily in order to remove toxicity.
Lymph can only be moved around the body as the result of physical activity.
The Lymphatic System is spread like a tree, throughout your body delivering nutrients to the cells and removing the waste that is left behind. it is vital to take daily actions to stimulate the flow of lymph to assist in the removal of waste products from your body. In fact it is so crucial to your health, that you would die within 24 hours if this system quit working.
The Lymphatic System - which also includes the spleen, thymus, tonsils, and bone marrow - is constantly defending the body against millions of microscopic attackers. The lymphatic system is given considerable attention in the treatment of toxicity as well as reducing edema.
Tiny vessels carry a colorless fluid called lymph. Suspended in the fluid are lymphocytes (white blood cells) whose purpose is to fight disease and infection. The network is connected by small bean sized organs called lymph nodes. Lymph nodes - which are mostly in the arm pits, neck, groin, chest and abdomen - filter the fluid and initiate your body's immune system response.
You have 3 times as much lymph fluid in your body as you do blood but, unlike blood there is no pump to circulate the fluid. Lack of exercise, shallow breathing and even anger causes the lymphatic system to become sluggish, which can cause circulation to the cells to be impaired. This, in turn, can effect the removal of toxic waste. Exercise, massage and deep breathing will stimulate the Lymphatic system, enable detox, cleansing and pain release.
If toxins are not eliminated from your cells effectively, numerous disorders effecting the Immune System will develop. The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine effectively and speedily moves body fluids, aiding the lymphatic system in detox, extremely important for those who get very little exercise, the elderly, the sick and people in physical rehabilitation.
"What is so remarkable to me is the ability of the Chi Machine to activate the lymphatic vessels
to purify the lymph fluid that cells live in, with little or no effort on the part of the patient."
- Dr. Samuel West.
Dr. Samuel West, Chemist and Lymphologist, a leading authority on the Lymphatic System states "Every healing art on earth involves getting oxygen to cells!" Dr. West has dedicated a lifetime to studying the Lymphatic System. "When the lymphatic vessels are properly activated they have the ability to pull out the dead cells, poisons, and excess water from around the cells to get the cells into what is called the "Dry-State".
When we do what is necessary to get the cells into the "Dry State" there is no excess water around the cells, only enough water to fill the crevices around the cells, and that is all. This is the condition that all the cells in your body must be in to get oxygen from the blood stream. Furthermore, you don't get pain, loss of energy or disease (of any kind) when the cells are in this condition." - Dr. Samuel West.
Professor Neil Piller one of the world's top ten leading authorities on Lymphoedema, said he found the Chi Machine to be the most globally efficient method of lymph drainage, after he completed 16 months of scientific clinical trials and medical research, at the prestigious Medical Centre of Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. The results were so impressive that Flinders University - who have absolutely NO vested interest in the Hsin Ten Company (HTE) or the Sun Ancon Chi Machine - have issued 3 booklets (Secondary Lymphoedema, Venus Oedema and Patient Testimonials), on the results of the medical trials for their patients, their staff and for the public.
Improving the Immune System
The Chi Machine stimulates globulin production which increases the immune system's level of response.
Cellular Activation
Massage stimulation to the sympathetic nervous system, opens up the bronchioles to provide maximum oxygen access to the lungs. Simultaneously the blood flow to and from the lungs is increased, enhancing oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood and therefore to the body cells, which excites cellular metabolism.
Blood Production
Blood is produced in the spleen and spinal bone marrow. Reduction of spleenal blood production can arise from the spleen's susceptibility to damage. The Chi Machine's action on the spine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing spinal 'marrow' blood production. Any form of anaemia can be benefited by this massage action.
Spinal Alignment
With the body relaxed in the lying position with no weight on the spine, the machine will influence a correction to certain conditions of misalignment. Such corrective action can in turn cure or alleviate complications arising in vertebrae joints from certain spinal misalignment.
Utilization of Full Spinal Movement
The spine's design permits sideways 'snake-like' movement that serves to relieve vertebrae joint pressure and thereby promote greater 'well being'. Modern man fails to exercise this design feature, part of the reason being that stress of the mind creates body tension and rigidity. Spinal movement has been reduced to a forward and upright bending action and even in walking, the natural twisting - sideways movement of the spine from arm, leg and upper torso momentum, is restrained by body tensions and rigidity.
When we awaken or feel tired, we raise our arms, stretch and yawn, and in the process, flex the spinal column in a twisting snake-like movement (cats and dogs do exactly the same movement several times a day). Instantly we feel a pleasurable sensation of energy movement and alertness of mind. The reason being that in yawning, the lungs fill with air and greater oxygenation of cells occurs, pressure on the in-vertebral discs momentarily releases and the autonomic nervous system is stimulated.
Restoration of Balance to the Autonomic Nervous System
If the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems fail to ensure balance of function, insomnia, excessive dreaming, digestive problems, stomach pain, palpitation, anxiety, constipation, neurasthenia and extensive forms of aches and pains as well as mental stress may surface. The influence of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine on the sympathetic nervous system can restore the vital balance to the nervous system, resulting in restoration of health from such conditions. It is interesting to note that cancer patients are stuck in the sympathetic mode of 'fight or flight', when they really need the parasympathetic mode of 'rest and relaxation'.
The Chi Machine - Specific motion energy to balance, align and strengthen the spine and spinal cord.
What is the role of the spine and why is adjustment necessary?
FYI: Doctors stress the importance of spinal traction and the adjustment of bones and muscles. This is because bones and muscles support and regulate the main and collateral spinal channels. An improperly aligned spine leads to sore bones and problems in the main and collateral channels, as well as in the vital organs of the body. Thus, if the spine is out of proper alignment, it can cause such things as inflammation of the shoulder, spurs, nerve pain, stomach aches and joint pain.
Why does pain occur in the vital body organs? - Because nerves radiate from the spine to the vital body organs. The nervous system is the brain's communication system. A crooked spine constricts the peripheral nervous system radiating from it. If that nerve happens to extend to the stomach, the stomach will be pathologically changed. Vital organs will ache. The most severe symptoms that can result from this is compression of the peripheral nerves.
How does the Sun Ancon Chi Machine adjust the spine?
Adjustment by Traction: When you are reclining, the spine does not have to support the weight of the body, so it assumes a natural state. By repeatedly vibrating the spine every day, misalignment may be greatly reduced.
Repetitive Massaging: If you are massaged repeatedly by the action of the Chi Machine you may not develop spurs. The Chi Machine may adjust the spine by oscillating the patient from head to toe like a wriggling centipede adjusting the whole spine all the way up to the cervical vertebra.
NOTE: The Chi Mahine is very popular with chiropractors for relaxation and spinal alignment, which makes their office adjustments much easier to perform.
Since my visit and first try of a Chi Machine at the massage place, I became a happy owner of one. I got mine on Ebay and have been using it daily! I have noticed great energy increase, more flexibility in my spine and in body in general. I will be using it daily!
I am sure that most of you know that Chi means energy force in Chinese culture. It is also a name of a dragon in Chinese mythology. But you probably don't know that Chi is a traditional Chinese unit of length ("Chinese foot"), approximately ⅓ of a meter. Chi is a name of a River in Thailand.
Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, "chi" in the Igbo religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars and Jediism. Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar." Wikipedia
Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being. A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. Energy can be increased in a human being. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity. Consequently, the development of chi can make an ill person robust or a weak person vibrant.
The concept of chi also extends beyond the physical body, to the subtle energies that activate all human functions, including emotions and thought. Unbalanced chi causes your emotions to become agitated and distressed. Balanced chi causes your emotions to become smooth and more satisfying.
Qigong, tai chi and other form of Taoist martial and healing arts, help you to develop subtle chi-energy, not as an idea but rather lead you to directly feel and experience what this is in your body.
The machine has an ankle cradle on the top which oscillates (moves from side to side), at approximately 140/minute - a multiple of the average pulse rate (72) and the cerebro-spinal pump rhythm (12) synchronized with your heart rate, blood pressure and spinal alignment - creating a balanced, rhythmic, relaxing wave-like motion throughout your entire body, thereby oxygenating every cell and tissue via blood circulation, thus enhancing your metabolic rate, aiding detoxification via the lymphatic system, aligning your spine and activating the autonomic nervous system.
Excellent benefits for the frail, physically challenged, seniors, wheelchair bound or bedridden:
Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is extremely valuable to those who through age or physical limitations, can't exercise. These people in particular benefit tremendously from the gentle massaging effect created by the oxygenating passive exerciser and its assistance in the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body.
The machine relieves aches, pains and stiffness enabling seniors to be more comfortable and mobile.
The Chi Machine 'work-out' is done lying down with no pressure, stress or tension applied to any part of your body. NO risk of injury. Heartbeat and blood pressure do not increase. NO stress to your spine, heart, muscles, ligaments, joints or lungs.
The Chi Machine allows Cellular Oxygenation, Lymphatic System Detoxification,
Spinal Alignment, Autonomic Nervous System Stimulation and Mental Focus.
The very specific one set speed and figure of eight motion of the Chi Machine aligns
your spine, regulates body functions and relaxes your body without any stress or effort.
The Chi Machine creates massage of internal organs via passive aerobic exercise.
Movement of the body - consistent motion energy - creates cellular oxygenation
of both the body and the brain, thereby allowing:
1) Reduction in muscle soreness, tension, stiffness, body aches and pains.
2) Improved flexibility of muscles and joints, more limber - spinal alignment.
3) Improved function and regulation of internal organs and body systems.
4) Improved circulation - activated lymph drainage and detoxification.
5) Relief from stress related conditions.
6) The brain shifts into a relaxed Alpha brainwave state - mental calm, focus, clarity,
and relaxation.
7) Sound, restful sleep.
8) Improved metabolic rate - Increased energy and improved sense of well being.
This is how the aura of a person clears as a consequence of using the Chi Machine.
Your Lymphatic System MUST be activated daily in order to remove toxicity.
Lymph can only be moved around the body as the result of physical activity.
The Lymphatic System is spread like a tree, throughout your body delivering nutrients to the cells and removing the waste that is left behind. it is vital to take daily actions to stimulate the flow of lymph to assist in the removal of waste products from your body. In fact it is so crucial to your health, that you would die within 24 hours if this system quit working.
The Lymphatic System - which also includes the spleen, thymus, tonsils, and bone marrow - is constantly defending the body against millions of microscopic attackers. The lymphatic system is given considerable attention in the treatment of toxicity as well as reducing edema.
Tiny vessels carry a colorless fluid called lymph. Suspended in the fluid are lymphocytes (white blood cells) whose purpose is to fight disease and infection. The network is connected by small bean sized organs called lymph nodes. Lymph nodes - which are mostly in the arm pits, neck, groin, chest and abdomen - filter the fluid and initiate your body's immune system response.
You have 3 times as much lymph fluid in your body as you do blood but, unlike blood there is no pump to circulate the fluid. Lack of exercise, shallow breathing and even anger causes the lymphatic system to become sluggish, which can cause circulation to the cells to be impaired. This, in turn, can effect the removal of toxic waste. Exercise, massage and deep breathing will stimulate the Lymphatic system, enable detox, cleansing and pain release.
If toxins are not eliminated from your cells effectively, numerous disorders effecting the Immune System will develop. The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine effectively and speedily moves body fluids, aiding the lymphatic system in detox, extremely important for those who get very little exercise, the elderly, the sick and people in physical rehabilitation.
"What is so remarkable to me is the ability of the Chi Machine to activate the lymphatic vessels
to purify the lymph fluid that cells live in, with little or no effort on the part of the patient."
- Dr. Samuel West.
Dr. Samuel West, Chemist and Lymphologist, a leading authority on the Lymphatic System states "Every healing art on earth involves getting oxygen to cells!" Dr. West has dedicated a lifetime to studying the Lymphatic System. "When the lymphatic vessels are properly activated they have the ability to pull out the dead cells, poisons, and excess water from around the cells to get the cells into what is called the "Dry-State".
When we do what is necessary to get the cells into the "Dry State" there is no excess water around the cells, only enough water to fill the crevices around the cells, and that is all. This is the condition that all the cells in your body must be in to get oxygen from the blood stream. Furthermore, you don't get pain, loss of energy or disease (of any kind) when the cells are in this condition." - Dr. Samuel West.
Professor Neil Piller one of the world's top ten leading authorities on Lymphoedema, said he found the Chi Machine to be the most globally efficient method of lymph drainage, after he completed 16 months of scientific clinical trials and medical research, at the prestigious Medical Centre of Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. The results were so impressive that Flinders University - who have absolutely NO vested interest in the Hsin Ten Company (HTE) or the Sun Ancon Chi Machine - have issued 3 booklets (Secondary Lymphoedema, Venus Oedema and Patient Testimonials), on the results of the medical trials for their patients, their staff and for the public.
Improving the Immune System
The Chi Machine stimulates globulin production which increases the immune system's level of response.
Cellular Activation
Massage stimulation to the sympathetic nervous system, opens up the bronchioles to provide maximum oxygen access to the lungs. Simultaneously the blood flow to and from the lungs is increased, enhancing oxygen exchange from the lungs to the blood and therefore to the body cells, which excites cellular metabolism.
Blood Production
Blood is produced in the spleen and spinal bone marrow. Reduction of spleenal blood production can arise from the spleen's susceptibility to damage. The Chi Machine's action on the spine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing spinal 'marrow' blood production. Any form of anaemia can be benefited by this massage action.
Spinal Alignment
With the body relaxed in the lying position with no weight on the spine, the machine will influence a correction to certain conditions of misalignment. Such corrective action can in turn cure or alleviate complications arising in vertebrae joints from certain spinal misalignment.
Utilization of Full Spinal Movement
The spine's design permits sideways 'snake-like' movement that serves to relieve vertebrae joint pressure and thereby promote greater 'well being'. Modern man fails to exercise this design feature, part of the reason being that stress of the mind creates body tension and rigidity. Spinal movement has been reduced to a forward and upright bending action and even in walking, the natural twisting - sideways movement of the spine from arm, leg and upper torso momentum, is restrained by body tensions and rigidity.
When we awaken or feel tired, we raise our arms, stretch and yawn, and in the process, flex the spinal column in a twisting snake-like movement (cats and dogs do exactly the same movement several times a day). Instantly we feel a pleasurable sensation of energy movement and alertness of mind. The reason being that in yawning, the lungs fill with air and greater oxygenation of cells occurs, pressure on the in-vertebral discs momentarily releases and the autonomic nervous system is stimulated.
Restoration of Balance to the Autonomic Nervous System
If the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems fail to ensure balance of function, insomnia, excessive dreaming, digestive problems, stomach pain, palpitation, anxiety, constipation, neurasthenia and extensive forms of aches and pains as well as mental stress may surface. The influence of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine on the sympathetic nervous system can restore the vital balance to the nervous system, resulting in restoration of health from such conditions. It is interesting to note that cancer patients are stuck in the sympathetic mode of 'fight or flight', when they really need the parasympathetic mode of 'rest and relaxation'.
The Chi Machine - Specific motion energy to balance, align and strengthen the spine and spinal cord.
What is the role of the spine and why is adjustment necessary?
FYI: Doctors stress the importance of spinal traction and the adjustment of bones and muscles. This is because bones and muscles support and regulate the main and collateral spinal channels. An improperly aligned spine leads to sore bones and problems in the main and collateral channels, as well as in the vital organs of the body. Thus, if the spine is out of proper alignment, it can cause such things as inflammation of the shoulder, spurs, nerve pain, stomach aches and joint pain.
Why does pain occur in the vital body organs? - Because nerves radiate from the spine to the vital body organs. The nervous system is the brain's communication system. A crooked spine constricts the peripheral nervous system radiating from it. If that nerve happens to extend to the stomach, the stomach will be pathologically changed. Vital organs will ache. The most severe symptoms that can result from this is compression of the peripheral nerves.
How does the Sun Ancon Chi Machine adjust the spine?
Adjustment by Traction: When you are reclining, the spine does not have to support the weight of the body, so it assumes a natural state. By repeatedly vibrating the spine every day, misalignment may be greatly reduced.
Repetitive Massaging: If you are massaged repeatedly by the action of the Chi Machine you may not develop spurs. The Chi Machine may adjust the spine by oscillating the patient from head to toe like a wriggling centipede adjusting the whole spine all the way up to the cervical vertebra.
NOTE: The Chi Mahine is very popular with chiropractors for relaxation and spinal alignment, which makes their office adjustments much easier to perform.
Enclosed within your spinal cord, is the Autonomic Nervous System:
The Autonomic Nervous System(ANS), is an essential part of the body, controlling most of your involuntary and intuitive everyday body functions. It is composed of two branches, the Parasympathetic and the Sympathetic. These two branches are enclosed within the spinal cord and extend to the lungs, heart, blood vessels, the eyes, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, bladder, sex organs and sweat, salivary and digestive glands. When any of these nerves malfunction, when one system becomes more active, the body begins to act up and respond accordingly.
When these systems are working properly, the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves trade off as needed. In times of stress or when extra activation is needed, the Sympathetic system steps in. Once the crisis is averted, the body settles down under the gentle care of the Parasympathetic System.
The Sympathetic Nervous System sends signals to multiple different body organs, stimulating the body - fight or flight.
The Parasympathetic Nervous System inhibits and keeps activity calm - rest and regeneration.

The Autonomic Nervous System(ANS), is an essential part of the body, controlling most of your involuntary and intuitive everyday body functions. It is composed of two branches, the Parasympathetic and the Sympathetic. These two branches are enclosed within the spinal cord and extend to the lungs, heart, blood vessels, the eyes, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, bladder, sex organs and sweat, salivary and digestive glands. When any of these nerves malfunction, when one system becomes more active, the body begins to act up and respond accordingly.
When these systems are working properly, the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves trade off as needed. In times of stress or when extra activation is needed, the Sympathetic system steps in. Once the crisis is averted, the body settles down under the gentle care of the Parasympathetic System.
The Sympathetic Nervous System sends signals to multiple different body organs, stimulating the body - fight or flight.
The Parasympathetic Nervous System inhibits and keeps activity calm - rest and regeneration.
How to use the Chi Machine
Simply lie down, set the timer for 4-6 minutes and the Chi Machine will do the rest.
Two minutes to begin, for the frail or the unwell, 4-6 minutes to begin with for everyone else.
15-20 minutes maximum, per session - 1-3 times daily.
Simply lie down, set the timer for 4-6 minutes and the Chi Machine will do the rest.
Two minutes to begin, for the frail or the unwell, 4-6 minutes to begin with for everyone else.
15-20 minutes maximum, per session - 1-3 times daily.
Where to get a Chi Machine
You can order the original Sun Ancon Chi Machine or get a Chi Master or other machine from Ebay. Some Chiropractors and other practitioners like masseuses also sell Chi Machines.
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