Sep 14, 2017

ASMR is the way to calm your nerves, to sleep well and to heal?

Just a few days ago somewhere I can across the name ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) and a video that stopped me on my track and totally puzzled me.
On this video a woman, you only see her hands, is stroking a black fabric and whispers for close to half an hour. What the....?

Then, that night I played the video before sleeping and I kept playing other ASMR videos all night while in and out of sleep. I felt extremely relaxed. Right away in the first minutes I had tingling all over my body, twitching and other nerve releases very intensively. I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis so I know about nerves and nerve damage, interrupted signals to muscles. I know about body parts not working and not doing what you want them to do and what they supposed to do. I have been on the healing path for a very long time so I know every little signs that my body sends when things are getting worse and when things are improving.
Right away I know that my body likes, not, even loves this video, the whispering and the fabric stroking noises. Started to find the reasons why I respond to this weird video like that. What does my body like about whispering, stroking and noises while falling asleep?

Like most of the time when no big money is involved for drug companies in researching simple, natural things that help people, of course not much or almost nothing was available on ASMR.

Then I looked on Facebook and found a few ASMR pages. I was truly surprised how supportive and positive the feedback were to these youtubers by women. Yes, you read it well. Women. Because, and I need to be totally honest here, at first, when I saw the first and second videos, I thought, it will be weird men who gets some kind of sexual arousal watching red, polished nails stroking something while whispering. No, I was wrong. This has not much to do with sex or arousal.

It has a lot to do with comfort, safety, security, childhood memories, relaxing, letting go and with your fight and flight response.

Watching ASMR videos people talk about experiencing a "weird feeling". This can be "weird head feelings", head tingling, some go as far as calling it head orgasm or attention induced observant euphoria. 

Now, I would like to quote from a site called ASMR, the Good feeling no one can explain
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response was a phrase coined by Jenn Allen, who founded the site "Autonomous" refers to the "individualistic nature of the triggers, and the capacity in many to facilitate or completely create the sensation at will," Jenn told me in an email. "Sensory" and "response" are fairly obvious, and "meridian," Jenn said, is a more polite term for "orgasm." In any case, it certainly sounds official—as Jenn said, "Try explaining why you want money to study 'goose looping' or 'brain orgasms.'"

Stop right there! Anyone who uses the word Meridian for orgasm has no clue what Meridians are, full stop. To mix it up and call it a polite way to say orgasm is an insult to the many thousand years of Chinese Medicine which is, in my opinion still way ahead in many ways of our Western Medicine. I just had to get this off my chest. 

The experience of ASMR is more widely common than you would think. It is present across all globes, nations, sexes and ages. When people encounter ASMR, they can search back for their childhood experience of feeling these sensations. So, with most people, this is triggered way back in childhood. For some, it is a late discovery. 

But what is ASMR really? Opinions divide. According to some, brain tingles are a sign of Enlightenment. Yoga, chanting and ASMR are tapping into the Vagus Nerve functions that contribute to the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the parasympathetic and the sympathetic parts. The Vagus Nerve is responsible for sensory activities and motor information for movement of the body. This explains how ASMR videos can initiate sensory responses that might result in improvement of movement in people with neurological problems. 

If the theory that our cells and muscles store electric charges of old emotions is true, a big nerve, like the Vagus Nerve probably holds similar informations. ASMR whispers and noises send a soothing message to the nervous system that starts to release old memories, fears and emotions from the cells and from the nervous system. One of the many functions of the Vagus Nerve is to balance the nervous system. It helps with stress management. This wondering nerve can lower anxiety and reduce inflammation. It has the power to combat the cortisol producing stress response of flight or flight. 

When you sooth your body with familiar soft noises and listen to whisper that brings back pleasant memories of childhood and intimate times with your loved ones, your cortisol level drops and your flight or fight response gets disarmed. You feel safe and secure. Your nervous system can relax and instead of protecting itself 24/7, it can switch into repair mode. It can start to heal itself. 

Quoting from ASMR, the Good feeling no one can explain:

Others have theorised that there's a link between ASMR and Synesthesia (another little-understood mental phenomenon), while Karissa Ann Burgess, who is in charge of experimental research and data for, told me she thought that ASMR was caused by "secretions from the pineal gland" in the brain, which is regarded as a "third eye" or even the soul by some people who believe in things like third eyes and souls. I even heard from Shaun Robertson, who doesn't experience ASMR but was involved in the community for a time, that a few people believed that the condition was "the next stage of human consciousness."

I am not sure about ASMR being the next stage of human consciousness. However, I know, from personal experience, that ASMR videos can bring very positive changes in one's neurological conditions and physical well-being on many levels.

Let's just examine why is ASMR videos are so pleasant to watch and listen while falling asleep. 
My association was right away:
  • My mum and dad tucking me in bed and reading softly to me while I fall asleep
  • Being in bed at night or in the morning whispering with my mum or dad while someone was still sleeping in the house
  • Me still sleeping on weekends while my parents already up getting on with their things and talking softly, feeling safe and secure, everything is well in the world
  • Being in bed with my little brother whispering and having fun not wanting our parents to know that we are not sleeping
  • Staying up late in camps, choir festivals and trips and spending the whole night chatting, whispering and laughing with my friends
  • Whispering in general indicates intimacy and secrets with someone. Being in the trusted circle. 
  • Intimate times with your lover when you share things about your day and yourself
  • Intimacy with your loved one in bed before falling asleep frequently involves stroking and whispering
  • For someone to stroke and spoil you with touch must love you and care about you a lot
  • Certain fabrics and materials like velvet, silk, feather, beads, pearls, nice papers, chocolate wrappings, etc remind us of good, special times. Some materials are connected to something rare and special that sits in a special chamber of your heart
This means that ASMR reminds you of good times, happy times, special people in your life. We know that positive thoughts attract positive changes in our lives and positive thoughts bring healing to our bodies. 

In contrast, author Louise L. Hay, who just recently passed away, dedicated her whole life to educate people that four things cause major problems in our bodies and in our lives. Resentment, criticism, guilt and fear cause more problems than anything else, as she writes in her book called You Can Heal Your Life. 

"Following are some results of patterns that manifest on the physical level: 
Resentment that is long held can eat away the body and become the dis-ease we call cancer.
Criticism as a permanent habit can often lead to arthritis in the body. 
Guilt always looks for punishment, and punishment creates pain. (When a client comes to me with a lot of pain, I know they are holding a lot of guilt.)
Fear, and the tension it produces, can create things like baldness, ulcers, and even sore feet.
I have found that forgiving and releasing resentment will dissolve even cancer. While this may sound simplistic, I have seen and experienced it working."

In our fast-paced world that is full of electronic gadgets, constant stimulation, loud noises and noise pollution and, less and less intimate human interactions, a half an hour soft whispering and gentle sounds might stimulate the nervous system very differently from the the noises of the loud and busy city life, where your body constantly thinks that it is being threatened and is in the state of fight and flight all the time. Listening to a half an hour ASMR might give chance to your central nervous system to feel safe in the dark, to calm down and get a different type of calming, healing stimulation that is totally missing from our lives. Even if you are in a loving, caring relationship, not sure you get enough of it. 

So what can be bad about feeding your brain with good old happy times, nice memories and evoking pleasant feelings in your body that cause it to tingle, for energy to circulate, for access electric charges to leave your cells and for the body to enter a relaxed state of rest when healing can take place? If ASMR videos can assist you to reach this positive state, let be it. You have nothing to loose, just sleepless nights, aches and pains, heart-aches, painful memories and feeling bad about yourself. 

Welcome to a better life with more positive thoughts and feelings! Welcome to AMRS!

Sep 12, 2017

Grapefruit - The Oil of Honouring the Body

The Oil of Honouring the Body

Grapefruit teaches true respect and appreciation for one’s physical body. It supports individuals who struggle to honour their body and are caught in patterns of mistreatment. These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behaviour or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed toward the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, deep down they never feel they look good enough. There is a dissatisfaction that persists. 

Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight-loss programs. The reason this oil helps curb emotional eating is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body based on love, tolerance, and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oil assist an individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assist one in taking responsibility for what they feel. Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart - only love can do that. As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need in addressing them, they no longer have a need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regiments, eating issues, or other forms of obsession. 

Negative emotions that the oil will help with
Hate for the body, obsession with food or dieting, eating issues, anxiety over appearance. 

Positive emotions encouraged by the oil
Respect for body, meeting physical needs, body-acceptance, nourished, healthy relationship with food. 

Grapefruit essential oil has many great benefits for the body and mind. 

It promotes positive feelings because it uplifts your mood and relaxes the mind. Grapefruit oil helps to relief depression, it reduces anxiety and stress. It also works as a general tonic for your body because it increases overall health and strength. 
This oils helps with stiffness and cramps in the muscles. 

Stimulates Hormone Secretion
Grapefruit essential oil has stimulating effects on both, the body and the mind. It stimulates the brain by making it active and gives a new direction to thoughts as well as stimulates endocrine glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes, thereby keeping your body’s entire metabolism in proper order. It also stimulates the nervous system and makes you more active and alert. The digestive system also benefits from this essential oil as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and bile in the stomach, as well as movement of ingested food through the intestines. Furthermore, it stimulates the lymphatic, circulatory, and excretory system.

Primary health benefits:
  • Boosts immune system
  • Eliminates and prevents infections due to its antiviral properties
  • Inhibits microbial infections due to its antiseptic properties
  • Cleanses the skin
  • Improves the appearance of blemishes
  • Supports healthy metabolism
  • Uplifts mood

Common Primary Uses:
Addictions (drugs), anorexia, appetite suppressant, bulimia, cellulite, dry throat, edema, gallbladder stones, hangovers, lymphatic drainage, decongestant, mental stress, miscarriage (after), obesity, overeating, performance anxiety, slimming and toning, stress, withdrawal. 

Properties: antidepressant, antiseptic, disinfectant, diuretic, stimulant and tonic

When using oils always seek the highest quality oils and follow instructions on the bottle. 

Grapefruit essential oil in a 15ml bottle is $20.25 for members and $27 retail price. Per drop price is $0.08. When it comes to essential oils a drop goes very far! A drop is all you need!

To get your Certified Therapeutic Grade doTerra Grapefruit essential oil to enjoy all the benefits please visit ID: 3424449 We look forward to having you on our team of doTerra essential oil lovers and users!

Aug 13, 2017

Ginger - The Oil of Empowerment

The Oil of Empowerment

Ginger holds no reservation. This oil has a purpose and will fulfil it! Ginger powerfully persuades to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life, one must be wholly committed to it.

Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality which is evidenced by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside one’s control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences. The victim feels stuck as they decentralise or disown responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.

Ginger empowers individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on personal integrity, centralised responsibility and individual choice. Here, the individual sees themselves as the creator of their own life. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individual assumes full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or inactions.

Negative emotions the oils helps with: victim, powerless, unwilling to take responsibility of their actions or inactions

Positive properties that the oils helps to enhance: empowered, capable, purposeful, accountable, responsible

Health benefits:
Treats upset stomach, supports digestion, healths infections, aids respiratory problems, reduces inflammation, strengthens heart health, high levels of antioxidants, natural Aphrodisiac, relieves anxiety, alleviates muscle and menstrual pain, improves liver function

Common primary uses of ginger oil: angina, club foot, diarrhoea, gas/flatulence, indigestion, low libido, morning sickness, nausea, pelvic pain syndrome, rheumatic fever/pain, rheumatoid arthritis, scurvy, vertigo, vomiting

During a long car ride, diffuse or place a drop of ginger in the palm of your hand and inhale.
Apply over lower abdomen for a soothing massage.
Use Ginger essential oil in your favourite sweet and savoury dishes.
Apply in diffuser combine with citrus oils for energising, uplifting mood
Mix 1:1 in carrier oil for massage on painful area

Historic uses
Ginger has been used as a spice for thousand years. Chinese health tonics have used ginger to strengthen heart and relieve head congestion. The Greeks have been using ginger to make gingerbread for more than 4,000 years! The Egyptian cuisine used ginger to ward off epidemics. Inn Roman wine ginger is used to enhance Aphrodisiac properties. It was also used by Hawaiians to cure digestion, to cook with  and to scent clothing. They also added to shampoo and massage oils. 

Ginger blends well with citrus oils, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium and rosemary. 

To get your Certified Therapeutic Grade doTerra essential oils please visit ID:3424449. 

Aug 11, 2017

Lime - The Oil of Zest for Life

The Oil of Zest for Life

Lime imbues the soul with zest for life. When an individual has been weighed down by discouragement or grief, Lime elevates them above the mire. It instills courage and cheer in the heart and reminds them to be grateful for the gift of life.

Lime cleanses the heart, especially when there has been an accumulation of emotional toxins due to avoidance or repression. The oil revitalises the heart space, giving room for light and joy. It clears discouragement and thoughts and feelings related to a loss of will to live. Lime shines light on inner motives hidden in the heart and encourages emotional honesty.

Lime can also assist the individual who has overly developed their intellectual capacities but has neglected to develop themselves emotionally. This oil encourages balance between the heart and mind. It clears congestion from the heart region, assisting one in feeling safe and at home in their heart. Lime dispels apathy and resignation and installs hope, joy, courage, and the determination to face all of life’s challenges.

The oil helps with the following negative emotions: Apathy, resignation, grief, loss of will to live, discouragement

Encourages the following positive emotions: Courage, emotionally safe, engaged, revitalised, grateful for the gift of life, determined.

Benefits of the oil: Bacterial infections, fever, skin revitalising, stress relief, Lymphatic cleansing, sore throat, mood enhancer, cellulite, increased energy, gallstones, strengthen nails. Gum/grease removal.

Lime is the perfect oil to purify air, skin and surfaces. The oil supports healthy immune function. Positively affecting mood with stimulating and refreshing properties. Used as an aromatic, topical and internal cleanser (always use Certified Therapeutic Grade oil for internal purposes and follow instructions on label!). 
Limes are frequently used in beverages, entrees for their fresh, citrus flavour. 
I frequently add a drop or two to my oats - chia seed porridge, in my drinking water and in my baking!

Lime provides internal cleansing benefits and can be diffused to help purify the air. It’s also an effective and natural surface cleaner. Lime is known for its ability to uplift, balance, and energise. Lime is frequently used in facial and body cleansers for its purifying properties and uplifting scent.

Diffuse to cleanse the air and lift your mood.
Put some Lime on a cotton pad and use to help remove grease spots and sticker residue.
Add a drop of Lime to your drinking water for enhanced flavor.
Add 1 drop to your facial cleanser or shampoo for added cleansing properties.

To get your Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil please visit ID: 3424449

Aug 8, 2017

For book worms and gift givers

I just finished teaching and I like to turn on the TV to not to miss the 6 o'clock News. On Channel 9 there is a game called Who wants to be a millionaire with Eddie McGuire. It's great fun and gets your brain going! However, tonight, there was an interesting question about which creature has no blood with four very curious options. People chickened out from the answer as they were not sure. The young lady, who came next in the seat to answer this question was very chatty and Eddie invited a question about her passion of reading and books. This is how millions of viewers came to learn about her fabulous subscription based website that I checked out right away because I looooove books and have quite a good library myself.

When I heard about her website that turned her love of books and reading into a sustainable and successful business for the suggestion of her husband, I was quite curious to check it out. When I clicked on the link and saw what it was about, I thought, how very clever!

By providing some information about your reading preferences, you can have a new book sent to you every month when you choose to subscribe to this service! How brilliant!

But even more I like this as a gift option to a loved one! The books will arrive beautifully gift rapped!
In today's technology ruled world this service is just what's missing from our lives to get books back into our hands!

So here is the website and enjoy its benefits! Share it with your friends and loved one, they will love it, too!

Jul 8, 2017

Hungarian Cauliflower soup with cheese gnocchi

Divine Cauliflower soup with sour cream and cheese gnocchi, the Hungarian way.

Hungarians love soups and eat them every day. These soups always use the seasonal vegetables and fruits. Thick, heavy, hearty soups for winter and light, cooling, refreshing soups for summer and everything else, between in autumn and at spring? Using the best of the fresh vegetables and fruits! 

Cauliflower is one of the cruciferous vegetables that are extremely good you and we all should be eating plenty of it!

Here is an old favourite recipe, how my Mum used to make it with a delicious addition! The cheese gnocchi that makes this soup even more delicious and a true favourite that will return on the family menu frequently!

250g cauliflower
1 onion
1-2 carrots
1 parsnip
2 tablespoonful of olive oil
1 tablespoonful of flour of your choice
1 teaspoonful of Hungarian Paprika
2 tablespoonful of sour cream
1 litre of water
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
chicken or vegetable stock cube

Ingredients of the gnocchi:
1 egg
3g smoked cheese
salt to taste
2 tablespoonful of flour of your choice

To serve:
Finely chopped parsley or coriander

Cooking method:

Peel and slice the onion finely and sautee on the olive oil.
Break the cauliflower into small pieces, peel the carrots and parsnip and cut them into small slices. Add the washed and slices vegetables to the sauteed onion, add salt and pepper to taste and cook the mix for a few minutes.
Add water, add chicken or vegetables cube and cook until the vegetables just softened.
In the meantime, prepare the gnocchi. Whisk the egg with a pinch of salt, add the finely grated smoked cheese and the flour. If the mix is too soft, add flour. If too hard, add a little water.
Put another pan on the stove and in a heated olive oil brown a spoonful of flour, until golden brown. Take the pan off the stove to add the teaspoonful Hungarian Paprika so it does not burn and get bitter and burnt. Mix it with a wooden spoon and add 100ml water and mix it well. Add this paste to the gently simmering soup while gently, constantly stirring the soup.
Gently bring it to boiling point then with a small coffee/tea spoon cut and shape and add the gnocchi mix to the simmering soup and cook it for a few minutes, until the cheese gnocchi is cooked.
Serve this delicious soup with freshly chopped parsley or coriander and enjoy!

Jun 23, 2017

Kefir, the living food

Kefir is a living relationship, a symbiosis, of a number of bacteria and yeast which form grains or cauliflower-like structures.

These living organisms ferment milk into the living food, Kefir. The Kefir drink is lactic acid - alcoholic fermented milk.

Kefir grains are a biological production centre. Living foods like Kefir help to detoxify, support and balance digestion, and help in building up the immune system. to counteract negative influences.

During the fermentation process the Kefir grains change normal milk into Kefir beverage. Lactic acid, ethanol, acetic acid, carbon dioxide and other compounds are produced as well as vitamins.

The delicious microbiological living food Kefir can be very helpful in regenerating the bowel flora and works in this way, in many cases like a wonder.

How to make Kefir

What you will need:

  • Kefir grains
  • Milk - organic or normal (goat milk, coconut or almond milk can also be used with milk grains)
  • Plastic (non-metallic) sieve/strainer
  • 2 or 3 glass jars with lids (each jar should be about 500ml in size)
With 1 tablespoon of kefir grains add 250ml of milk to the kefir grans (or 1 teaspoon of kefir grans to 125ml of milk). The milk should be at room temperature (kefir grains prefer room temperature 20-27C).

Place the lid on your jar, keep it a little loose so that the kefir doesn't carbonate as much. Jars should be kept at least 2 cups (500ml in size) so that you have enough room for expansion of the kefir grains. 

Leave your kefir stand for 24hours or until the kefir thickens to your liking. The longer  you keep the kefir in the jar for the first ferment, the more sour your kefir will be. The jar should be kept at room temperature but not in direct sunlight. 

Once your kefir has shown signs of separation (you may see pockets of whey) or thickening, your kefir is ready.

Strain your kefir through a plastic sieve/strainer into a bowl, you may gently use a wooden or plastic spoon to help all the liquid go through the sieve, but be careful not to squash your grains while doing this. 

Place the grains into a clean jar and commence the process again. 

You can drink the kefir straight away or keep it in the fridge.

Please note at this stage you can add things to flavour your kefir like, vanilla, honey, cocoa, berries, apple, dates, lemon, orange peel, peppermint, garlic, ginger, or whatever you like! This is when the fun starts! Low sugar fruits are better as they will cause less carbonation from the lower sugar levels. 

Second fermentation:
If you wish to perform a second fermentation, you can leave your kefir on the counter for another 24 hours (without the grains). A second fermentation will give you a kefir lighter and creamier in texture. The second fermentation process also creates more B vitamins and probiotics. 

You also can second ferment adding flavours as mentioned above. Adding orange peel, ginger or anything you like will enhance flavours. You can leave the kefir with the additional fruit for a 4-12-hour period then store it in the fridge. 

To avoid damaging your grains, never add to freshly cleaned hot jar. To avoid this, always add the milk first to the jar before adding the kefir grains. Remember, room temperature milk is always kinder to the grains. 

If you don't wish to continue fermentation regularly, you will need to keep your grains in the milk in the fridge to keep them alive. You will need to change this milk every few days. Sometimes after the grains have bene kept in the fridge, it will take a few ferments for your kefir to be strong as it takes a little while for your kefir grains to wake up and adapt to the new environment. 

Once your kefir grains grow, keep adding more milk as they will ferment quicker. As a general rule, one tablespoon of grains for one cup of milk, (or 1 teaspoon for 1/2 cup of milk.) You always can give the extra grains to family and friend.

Finally, I hope you enjoy your kefir and all the health benefits that it brings to you and your family. 

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