Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2016

Traveling with kids and settling them with essential oils

Traveling with kids is fun but can be hard.
Some children respond well to routine and when they are in a new environment they become sick, unsettled, they don't sleep, their eating habits get upset and they become needy.
Other kids are more adaptable and enjoy their new surroundings and the challenges that being away from home means. Traveling abroad on flights has its own risks. Landing in another country where hygiene, different health, food preparation and eating standards, cleanliness of toilets and bathrooms differ from home puts our bodies to high alert state.
When we travel, we come into contact with bacteria and viruses against which our children have no genetic immunological defence. Not just that, but we sleep, wash where strangers slept and washed the night before, and when some of the bacteria and viruses people carry with them are so dangerous, why take any chances of picking them up? There are some alarming news that some hotels don't even change and wash the sheets between clients and when they wash it, with special equipment you can see the body fluids still on the sheets, mattresses and beds. With killer diseases on the rampage it is not being paranoid to take steps something longer-lasting than a tan.

Toilet and a killer combination exterminating oils
Even if your toilet facilities look clean that doesn't mean they have been disinfected. It doesn't take a minute to wipe the toilet seat - under as well as on top - with a tissue that has a neat drop of thyme essential oil on it. Even if your toilet is attached to your own room, it may be wise to do this daily. Remember too the toilet flush-knob and doorknob. If you are travelling in particularly suspects parts you might use a few tissues impregnated with thyme, lavender and eucalyptus. These three together provide a very powerful bactericide and few dangerous microorganisms can escape their exterminating effect. Also, it never hurts to wipe around the basin and bath with an essential oil tissues.

Bed bugs and body fluids...
Every bed in the world is teeming with minute life-forms which live off the dead skin cells we are constantly shedding, and mattresses soak up whatever fluids are put on them. This makes them a pretty hazardous area. As a precautionary measure, especially for your children, pull the bedclothes back and wipe the mattress with a tissue on which you have put a few drops of thyme, lavender and lemongrass essential oils.

"Last year I gave a travelling kit of oils to a young man who was planning to travel around the world  on a shoestring  and expected to stay in some pretty rough places. When he got back - after a safe and happy trip - he told me that when he arrived at the seedy dormitory-type hostels he was frequenting in places such as Calcutta, he would splatter a few drops of lavender on the mattress despite the amused looks of some of the hardened travellers around who thought he was just perfuming his sleeping quarters. In the morning, while all the others were scratching themselves madly, he packed his gear up like Joe Cool and went on his way. Throughout his trip he didn't get one single bite from a bed mite - which must be a record many other young adventurers would envy."

Home away from home
Making home away from home is easy with essential oils because you will be taking with you several that already have been using at home and the aroma provides a comforting aura of familiarity and security when used in new surroundings. Nowadays with smart technology and gadgets you even can take a USB diffuser or a car diffuser with you when you travel! Of course, this may not be as important  to you as it is to your children., who often feel insecure while away from home. Things may be fine while they are going to the beach and running around the pool and enjoying all the new  and wondrous things, but when Mum goes out - even just to the bar downstairs with baby listeners alerted - or when the night and darkness approaches and they are surrounded by all those strange noises, children can feel abandoned and frightened. At home alone in a familiar room a child hears the rest of the family talking, laughing, watching TV, moving about and can sleep perfectly well with all these familiar noises. But left alone in a strange room with nothing except their furtive imagination and the banging doors and the ominous whine of elevators, fears of the bogey-man can become very real indeed.

Using familiar scents cannot stop the fears entirely but the essential oils do help in an as yet unexplained way to calm children at night, and perhaps their effectiveness is due to the theory of associations. If you use something like the lovely aroma of geranium when you arrive to make the room yours by putting a few drops around the place, bathe in geranium yourself and, more importantly, give the children a geranium bath before bed, you'll be surprised how easily they settle down for the night in the pleasantly fresh room that smells just like home. You also can use diluted essential oils in a roll-on glass bottle on the bottom of the feet or even on the body to give a nice massage to your baby or child to settle them after bath before going to bed. There is nothing more comforting then Mum or Dad reading or telling a bed time story while massaging with a relaxing essential oil blend.
When you are aware that doTerra 100% pure essential oils can be used in this way, to comfort the child through the sense of smell, use the oil you intend to take away with you around the home and in the child's bath for a few days before your departure.
Here I included three simple oils blends that you can prepare before leaving for your holiday and take with you in a roll-on glass bottle. It makes it very easy to apply, even kids can apply on their own feet! These blends work on babies, children and adults, young and old and has many benefits besides their relaxing effects.

To get your oils, please visit and quote ID:3424449

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