Jun 27, 2009

In Memory of Michael Jackson

I had a little time to reflect on the strange coincidence of starting my blog on the day of the death of Michael Jackson. Although I am a classical musician, in my opinion he was a genius as an artist.  I am watching the program on him and his music on Channel 9. It brings back a lot of fond memories. My little brother, Palko was born in 1975. I remember, we were sitting in the living room glued to the TV watching Michael Jackson's video clips when my brother was just a few years old. He absolutely adored Jackson and as a consequence, so did I. Jackson turned video music into an art form. Looking at the old clips, I just realize how good looking he was before he went into serious plastic surgery. Incredible music, dance, image, pictures. He definitely revolutionized pop music. On his transformation: he was an artist. He was creating an image, an ever changing image that finally went too far.
I tried to buy his music yesterday. It was all sold out everywhere I looked. I need to have his albums. http://www.michaeljackson.com/

Day 1

Adventures of a Hungarian conductor in Australia

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Bartok, the Concerto and his Leukemia

I am reading a fascinating book by Hungarian-born Canadian author, speaker, and retired physician with a special interest in childhood deve...
